Creogo Ltd. - The variety of methods makes the difference.

Our methodical approach enables a planned and conscious action in the training. This leads to learning success and facilities the achievement of the learning targets. In this process, we ask ourselves the following questions: How can we achieve the learning targets in an optimal way? How can we be most effective and efficient? How should we transmit the learning content?

Depending the task we use the following methods:

Impart knowledge

In short presentations, lectures, plenary discussions we transmit and develop with the participants the defined learning content, mostly from the cognitive field. This way, we encourage the participants to cooperate and to develop their own approach.


With case studies, simulation games and practical simulations, practical tasks can be solved. This helps participants to integrate their theoretical knowledge with their practical experiences. Furthermore, they can derive their own findings and more easily integrate the learnings into their every day life. We also use the latest technology and learning media like video-training or blended learning.


Working groups and workshops are a great and diverse tool. In the center we put a theme or a subject, which then is developed independently by the participants. We prepare different tasks and work groups in order to promote new findings, explore different ways and examine different angles.

Participants get new experiences, resolve complex problems, develop their own findings.

Most importantly participants train, deepen and put into practice what they learned.

Self-directed learning (social forms)

With regard to self-directed learning we distinguish between individual work, partner assignments, group assignments and role-play. All these social forms of training are ideal for the work on complex tasks and problems. The exchange of experiences in smaller or bigger groups enhances not only the view on a problem from different angles, but also the mutual comprehension for the concerns and matters of different stakeholders.
