With virtual trainings we offer you an equivalent alternative to training in the seminar room. A virtual training is more than a usual webinar. Let us help you to create a new learning experience!
As before, participants and course leaders will meet in the seminar room. Instead of a physical course location, we meet virtually using the Zoom video conference system.
We see each other in the plenum, work on group work in the breakout room, are taught by the trainer and can participate in discussions. Exactly as you are used to in face-to-face training, simply in the virtual room.
It takes some courage to get involved in this new learning experience. A little patience is also required until the first steps with this new medium are taken. But with a little flexibility and the necessary sense of humour, you will soon feel right at home.
We at Creogo Ltd. do everything we can to adapt the course content and methods to this new setting. We are also happy to receive your suggestions and ideas at any time. In this way we will jointly develop this new dimension and lead it to success.